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Zlatá tretra (World Athletics Continental Tour)

Ostrava (8. 9. 2020)
Jacob Kiplimo (20:34:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
5000m Muži 1 Uganda 12:48.63

Jsem fakt rad, ze tady mohli byt fanousci a povzbuzovat nas. Chtel jsem predvest rychly cas, tak jsem na to tlacil. Hlavne v poslednim kole jsem musel zabrat a pred cilem to uz byl boj. Bylo to skvele. Podminky mi vyhovovaly a kdyz bud mit tu sanci, tak opet prijedu.

I am happy that the fans could come here and cheer for us. I wanted the fast time, I kept pushing. One lap to go, I tried to speed up and it was a fight in the home straight. It was wonderful. Conditions were good for me and if I have the chance again, I will come back.

Faith Kipyegon (20:24:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
1500m Ženy 1 Kenya 3:59.05

Abych byla uprimna, cekala jsem od sebe jeste trochu vice, ale byla jsem unavena a dnes jsem ze sebe vydala to nejlepsi. Dnes vecer jsem pro to mela skvele podminky. Neprselo ani nebylo moc vetrno, coz je pro me vzdy idealni, i kdyz bych snesla trochu teplejsi pocasi. Pro dnesni zavod jsem nemela zadnou specialni taktiku, chtela jsem ze sebe proste vydat to nejlepsi.

To be honest I expected little more, but I was tired and I really did my best tonight. Conditions were really good for me - it was not too rainy or windy what is amazing even if the weather was little colder. I did not have any special tactics for todays race, just wanted to do my best.

Sifan Hassan (20:17:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
5000m Ženy 1 Netherlands 14:37.85

Kvuli hodinovce, kterou jsem bezela jen pred nekolika dny, se citim stale unavena. Bylo to dnes tezke kvuli memu telu, ale proste jsem chtela ze sebe dat to nejlepsi, co se dalo a zabojovala jsem v poslednich 400 metrech. Je to dobre, jsem rada, ze jsem tady mohla byt, a ze jsem nakonec vyhrala. V podstate ted na nic nemyslim, protoze nikdy v zivote jsem nebezela takove zavody jen ve ctyrech dnech. Podminky byly dobre a mam radost, ze jsem tady mohla zavodit i pred situaci s covidem-19. Kvuli tomu jsem letos snad ani nevidela fandit tolik divaku, jako bylo tady. Bylo to hezke a moc nam to pomohlo.

Because of this one hour race, I am still tired. It was tough because of my body but I just tried to do the best I could in the last 400 metres. It is good, I am glad to be here and to win. Actually I don´t have any thoughts in my head because I have never done done such races in just four days so I just wanted and tried to win. The weather was good and I like to be here despite the covid-19 situation. Because of this situation, I have not seen so many people cheering this season. It was very nice and good for the competition.

Jake Wightman (20:05:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
800m Muži 1 United Kingdom 1:44.18

Pocity jsou dobre, rad se peru o vitezstvi. Chtel jsem to bezet jako kdybych startoval na 1500 m a zkusit, jak to vypali na posledni rovince. Podarilo se to, takze mam radost. Protoze letos nemame zadny velky sampionat, je dulezite udrzet si rychlost. Proto jsem se rozhodl bezet 800 m. Jsem hrozne rad za novy osobak, ktery jsem si vylepsil o skoro pulvterinu. Ale jeste dulezitejsi bylo dnes vyhrat. Pristi tyden mam posledni zavod. Dalsi plan je bezet 1500 m v Tokiu. Ale stale nam zbyva jeste rok na pripravu, tak doufam, ze to preziju a uspesne absolvuji zimni pripravu v zdravi.

I feel good, I like to fight. I was going to run 800m and approach like I was going 1500 and just try to do it in the home straight. It happened so I am pleased. Because there is no major championships this season, it was important to stay quick. That was also the reason to run 800m. I am very pleased about my PB by almost half a second. But to get the win was even more important to me today. Next week is my last one. Next plan - I hope to go 1500min Tokyo. But we still have one year before that so I hope to stay in one piece and go through the training in winter.

Laura Muir (19:49:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
800m Ženy 1 United Kingdom 1:58.84

Skutecne jsem prekvapena mojim vykonem a take tim casem. Myslela jsem, ze se v zavodu budu muset mnohem vic prat o pozice v baliku a pak uvidim, co se bude dit. Ale ten cas je skutecne dobry a myslim, ze kdybych mela jeste nekoho, kdo se mnou bezi poslednich 50 metru, tak by to bylo jeste rychlejsi. Pocasi bylo OK - jsem zvykla na chlad, vzdyt jsem z Velke Britanie. Uz jen dva dalsi zavody a mam po sezone. Jasne, ze chci opet vyhrat.

Yes, I am a bit surprised for my achievement and how fast I was. I thought I was really going to race for the position a bit more and see what I can do. The time is very good and I am happy about it but it could have been even a bit faster if I had someone with me in the last 50m. The weather was OK - I am used to cold, I am from UK.  I have two more races this season and I will be done.  Of course, I would love to win again.

Barbora Špotáková (19:42:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
hod oštěpem 600g Ženy 1 Czech Republic 65.19

Jsem nadsena, protoze jsem prolomila to, ze se mi v Ostrave nedari. Necekala jsem to, myslela jsem, ze ostep poleti nekde na hranici 61 metru. Tenhle vykon me opravdu prekvapil. Skoda pro divaky, ze to bylo hned v prvnim pokusu. Trochu mi to pripomnelo mistrovstvi sveta nekdy pred deseti lety, kdy jsem prvnim pokusem taky zamrazila zavod. Skvele jsem zacala a pak uz jsem se nedokazala zlepsit. Letosni tretra byla skvela, jsem rada, ze jsem tady mohla pred skvelymi fanousky byt. Je to vlastně teprve moje druhe vitezstvi na tomto mitinku, je videt, ze v Ostrave se nevyhrava snadno.

This win is very important to me because it is not a secret that I usually do not do well in Ostrava. Finally, I broke the spell. I did not expect it, really, I thought that the javelin would fly somewhere to the level of 61m. This performance really surprised me. It is just a pity for the fans that it came in the first round. It also reminded me of the World championships some years ago when I also froze the competition with the first attempt. I started so well and then I could not improve in the competition. This year´s Golden Spike was great and I am grateful I had the chance to compete here in front of all the fans. This is only my second victory at this meeting in whole my career. It is clear, that it is not easy to win in Ostrava.

Dafne Schippers (19:37:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
150m Ženy 1 Netherlands 16.56

Jsem velmi stastna, necekala jsem to. Slysela jsem, ze je to novy Evropsky rekord, to je pro me neco uzasneho. Par tydnu zpatky jsem se trapila se zady a nemohla jsem trenovat tak, jak jsem zvykla. Jsem proto s timto vykonem nadmiru spokojena. Trat 150 metru je pro me perfektni distanci, muzu bezet velice rychle a nebezi se pri ni tak daleko. Trat 200 metru me vice unavuje. Presto si myslim, ze trat je blize dvoustovce nez stovce. Musite bezet tak rychle jak to jen jde, ale neda se bezet tak rychle jako pri stovce, protoze na to je to moc dlouhy beh. Velmi jsem si dnesni zavod uzila, prestoze jsem doufala v trochu teplejsi pocasi. Bylo take uzasne bezet pred divaky, kteri mi fandili, protoze pred dvema dny jsem bezela pred kompletne prazdnym stadionem a byl to dost divny pocit.

I am really really happy, I did not expect this. I heard It is a new European record, so it is something very special for me. Couple weeks ago I was fighting with back injury and I could not train as normal, so it makes me really hapy with time like this. 150 meters track is perfect for me I can run fast and not that far. 200 meters makes me more tired, so it is really really perfect distance for me, I guess. Even if I think this distance is closer to 200 meters - you need to go as fast as possible but you can not go as fast as 100 meters because it is too long.  I really enjoyed todays race even if I hoped for a little warmer weather. I also really enjoyed to run in front of spectators, because 2 days ago I ran before the completely empty stadium and that was crazy.

Ryan Crouser (19:25:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
vrh koulí 7,26kg Muži 1 United States 22.43

Mym cilem bylo dnes hodit daleko, ale hlavne hazet technicky dobre, coz se mi myslim i podarilo. Toto je muj ctvrty den v teto zemi, takze jeste trpim casovym posunem a jsem trochu unaveny. Ale 22.40 je dobry vykon a jsem hlavne hrozne rad, ze se mi darilo hazet dobre technicky. Jsem nadseny, ze se posouvam dal a ze jsem vylepsil rekord mitinku - pamatuji si, kdyz ho hodil Tom. Podminky i kruh byly dobre a kdyz si zvyknu na casovy posun a absolvuji jeste par mitinku, tak verim, ze to pujde daleko. Tato sezona je skutecne vyzva po tom, jak jsem musel trenovat v garazi.

My ambitions were to go far tonight and to throw well. This is my 4th day in the country so I am a little bit jetlagged, a bit flat and tired today. But 22.40 - I was really happy with that and I also executed it well. I am excited with going forward and the meeting record - I came here to do that.  I remember when it was done by Tom. The conditions and the circle was good and when I kind of get used to the time change, maybe a couple more meets and I will throw far. This season has been a challenge after the training in my garage.

Karsten Warholm (19:11:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
400m překážek Muži 1 Norway 47.62

Je vzdy super, kdyz zvitezite. V podstate jsem byl dnes docela prekvapeny, protoze jsem myslel, ze ten cas byl trochu rychlejsi.. Mozna jsem byl uz trochu unaveny v zaveru. Dokonce jsem take sledoval tabuli s casem.  Ale stale je to skvely vykon, je to sport a musite brat, co mate. Pred mitinkem jsem sam pozadal organizatory, aby tento start trochu posunuli v casovem rozpisu a jsem velmi vdecny, ze to pro nas udelali. Nikdy nevite, jake to mohlo byt, ale musite udelat rozhodnuti uz pred zavodem. Tak to proste funguje a ja si toho vazim. Tezko rict, jake by byly vysledky, kdybychom bezeli 300 m prekazek jako zeny. Mam rad 300 ale i 400 metru. Kdyz jsem prijizdel do Ostravy, nemel jsem strach ze situace ve svete, ale musite byt opatrny. Myslim, ze mame nadani delat spravna rozhodnuti ve spravny cas. Nebal jsem se, ale byl jsem ostrazity. Ted je mym planem diamantova liga v Rime, ale uvidime casem. Do Ostravy prijedu zas velice rad, kdyz budu mit tu sanci.

It is always to nice to get the victory and to win. I was a bit surprised tonight, I really tought it was a bit faster and I was also checking the board. Maybe I was getting a bit tired in the end. But still, it is very much, this is a sport and you have to take whatever you get.  I actually asked the organisers to move this event and I am glad they did it. You never know. You have to make the decission before the race and that is the way it works. I appreciate that. It is hard to say how it would be if we ran the 300m hurdles like women. I like the 300 but I also like the 400 m hurdles. Coming to Ostrava, I think we were kind of getting used to this health situation and we are clever to do the right decissions in the right time.  I was not scared but of course, I am very aware. I try to take my responsibility. I have a plan about going to the Rome DL but the time will show. I like Ostrava, the organisers are super nice so if I have the chance next time, I would come back again.

Ernest John Obiena (19:09:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
skok o tyči Muži 1 Philippines 5.74

Citim se dobre, jsem stastny, ze mohu byt tady. Nemohu si stezovat. Ma sezona byla zvlastni (zacala az v srpnu). Myslim si ale, ze je to divne asi pro kazdeho. Predesle mesice jsem stravil v Italii a snazil se udrzet ve forme. Snazili jsme se s trenerem udelat to nejlepsi, co jsme mohli. Je uzasne znovu zavodit, ta pauza byla moc dlouha. Muj trener ale s mym dnesnim vykonem neni moc spokojeny. Je to takovy muj standard, nic zvlastniho nebo prekvapiveho. Doufam, ze dostanu pozvanku na Continental Tour a diamantovou ligu.

I feel good, I am so excited to be here. I can not really complain. My season was so weird (it is going only since August) but I think it was weird for everone. In last months I stayed in Italy and tryed to stay fit. We tryed to make the best we can. Iam very happy to compete again, the pause was so long. My coach is not so happy with my todays result. It is my normal result, nothing surprising. I am so excited to be here and a I enjoyed this meeting. I hope that I will be invited to Continental Tour and Diamond League.

Arthur Gue Cissé (19:01:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
150m Muži (Běh) 1 CÔte D`ivoire 15.15

Bezel jsem tuto trat poprve a jsem rad, ze je z toho hned vitezstvi. Do Ostravy jsem se tesil, vim, ze tady rad jezdil Usain Bolt. Porazil jsem mistra sveta Guliyeva, to je zajimave. Ale bylo to na trati, ktera se moc nebeha. Ja mam stejne radsi stovku. Tohle bylo na mne prilis dlouhe.

I ran this distance for the first time in my career so I am glad it was the victory right away. I was looking forward to this competition in Ostrava and I know that also Usain Bolt liked it too. I beat the world champion Gulyiev tonight, that is interesting. But it was in the event which is not that usual. I still prefer the 100m. This was just too long for me.

Femke Bol (18:51:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
300m překážek Ženy 1 Netherlands 38.55

Ne, ze bych primo cekala, ze porazim Zuzanu Hejnovou a Leu Sprunger, ale doufala jsem a verila jsem celou dobu. Pri zavode jsem udelala par chyb, mohlo to byt jeste rychlejsi. S casem jsem ale vic nez spokojena. V obdobi koronaviru jsem tvrde drela, nabehala jsem spoustu kilometru v lese a vyplatilo se to. Byla jsem take nadsena z toho, ze jsem mohla zavodit konecne pred divaky v tak skvele atmosfere. Tento mitink je perfektne zorganizovany.

I did not expect to beat Zuzana Hejnova and Lea Sprunger, but I hoped and belived the whole time. I made a few mistakes during the rase, it could have been even faster, but I am more than happy with this time We worked hard during the coronavirus period. I ran a lot of kilometers in the forest during the lockdown. I was very excited to to run in souch a great atmosphere in front of the spectators. This meeting is well organized.

Holly Bradshaw (18:41:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
skok o tyči Ženy 1 United Kingdom 4.60

Pocasi a venkovni teplota byly v pohode, mozna trochu vetrno, coz mozna ztezovalo podminky. Bylo pro me dnes trochu obtiznejsi bezet, protoze v patek mi v patek zemrel dedecek. V sobotu se ve Velke Britanii konaly prebory, chtela jsem zavodit i proto, aby to zeshora videl a byl na me pysny. Povedlo se mi zvitezit a skocit 4.60, s cimz jsem spokojena. Letosni sezona pro me Zlatou tretrou konci. Ale vim, ze do pristi sezony naskocim silnejsi a budu skakat jeste vys. Jsem moc rada, ze jsem tu mohla zavodit a ucastnit se tohoto mítinku.

The temperature was OK, maybe a bit cold but it was also windy so it was more dificult to do it. I felt I was a bit too close in my run up. It was also hard for me as my grand dad passed away on Friday. On Saturday, I had the British championships but I wanted to continue competing so that he would be proud of me. I managed 4.60, I won, so I think I did well. This is the end of the season for me. But I know I can come up next year stronger and go higher. I was glad to be here.

Zuzana Hejnová (18:41:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
300m překážek Ženy 6 Czech Republic 40.80

Nebezelo se mi ni nic moc, bylo pomerne chladno. Atmosfera byla super, jsem rada, ze lide prisli. Letos je to celkove velice zvlastni atmosfera, nedokazala jsem se dostat do formy, takze doufam, ze nasledujici sezona bude lepsi a vse se bude vyvijet lepsim smerem.

It was not so much good for me. It was cold today but the atmosphere was good. I like that we could meet with viewers. This season was not good for me. I am not able to get fit and I hope that next season will be better for all of us.

Gatis Čakšs (17:47:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
hod oštěpem 800g Muži 1 Latvia 83.41

Do Ostravy jsem prijel velmi nateseny, protoze jsem chtel strasne zavodit. S trenerem jsem jiz zacal trochu jiny trenink, protoze jsem myslel, ze uz mam po sezone. Takze jsem byl pred zavodem trochu vystraseny a nevedel jsem, co mam cekat. Ze zacatku jsem uplne necitil rytmus, ale postupne jsem se zlepsoval a bojoval az do konce. Jsem rad, ze se mi povedlo vyhrat poslednim pokusem. Nebyl sice idealni, ale citil jsem se v nem nejlepe. Samozrejme jsem videl pokus J. Vettera v Polsku a byl jsem tak trochu v soku. On nam ukazuje, ze muzeme byt lepsi. 97 metru - to je uz skutecne daleko. Vim, ze mozna nebudu nikdy hazet 97, ale vim, ze muzu jit mnohem dal za 80 metru. Nevim, jestli mi manazer jeste ted dokaze najit nejake zavody, takze tato soutez muze byt pro mne ukoncenim letosni sezony.

I was very excited coming to Ostrava because I really wanted to compete. We started a bit different training with my coach lately because we thought that the season is over so I was a bit scared before we started tonight. I did not feel the right rythm from the beginning but it was improving and I was fighting untill the last throw. And I am glad I managed to win thanks to this attempt.  It was not an ideal attempt but technically the best. Of course, I saw the throw of J. Vetter in Poland and I was kind of shocked because of his result. He is showing us we can get better. 97 meters - that is far far away from my result but I know I can also reach long distances in the future. Maybe not 97 meters but definitelly further over 80m. I am not sure if my manager finds some next competitions this year so this can be the end of my season.

Maksim Nedasekau (17:20:00)
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
skok vysoký Muži 1 Belarus 2.24

Nepokracoval jsem dal v zavode, protoze nejsem zdravotne v poradku. Mam anginu a jeste me cekaji dva mezinarodni zavody. Do Ostravy jsem prijel bojovat o vitezstvi, vykon nebyl tak dulezity. To se povedlo, ted se potrebuji vylecit, vim, ze mam formu a uz na mitinku v Rime bych zase chtel skakat pres 230 cm. Atmosfera se mi libila, divaci jsou vzdycky fajn a dokazi atleta vyhecovat. Nebylo jich hodne, ale byli skveli.

I did not continue to jump in the competition because I did not feel physically well. I have got tonsillitis and I still have two international competitions ahead of me. I came to Ostrava to fight for the victory and the result was not so important to me. I managed it and now, I need to be fit again. I know I am well prepared and my plan is to jump over 230 already in Rome. The atmosphere was nice here in Ostrava and the crowds are always good to have - they push you to get better. There were not too many of them but they were great.